Thursday, October 23, 2014

Teacher Recommended Resources

I am always hunting for resources for my students, specifically in Spanish. I try to make them all but have realized it is impossible because of time. Luckily, I have found many resources for my class that are exactly what I need, resources that have not only saved me time, but that are also creative and original.
This month I want to show you 3 products I have used in my classroom (not in any particular order).


Title: Diarios Comunitarios by Where the Magic Happens
Subject: SLA (Spanish Language Arts)
What I like about it: This is the perfect writing center that will become a favorite class book, the packet includes a tracking sheet.


  Title: Parcela de letras y sonidos by Teaching with Nancy
  Subject: SLA (Spanish Language Arts),phonics
  What I like about it: The Kissing Hand is very popular book in our classevery time my students see Chester, they get really excited. This helps tremendously when you are working with students in small groups.


Title: Kinder Portfolio by Nicole and Eliceo Sanchez
Subject: Parent conferences, record keeping, memory.
What I like about it: Parent conferences data is a must and this portfolio is not only an amazing way to show the progress over the course of the year, but a great thing to have on their memory box at the end of the year. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Parent conferences here we go!

Although it is a hectic schedule, I do like having the opportunity to talk to my students' parents during conferences. Knowing what is going on at home and connecting it to school is very important. I try to show the parents different ways on how they can help their child at home.

 I begin my conference with a form that student fills one week prior to the conference, where the student evaluates their habits at school.
 I absolutely love how honest my kindergartners are, and I also get to see which ones are too being hard on themselves. I usually have one or two students that have no behavior issues and they still say they need more work on one of the areas. 

Click here to download this FREE resource:

 I hope you can use this with your students!  Have a great week,

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Scoop!

Today I am joining the Teaching Trio. Every Sunday they share 3 things they have to do, 2 things they hope to do and one thing they would be happy to do. It is so nice to know I am not the only one working on lesson plans on a Sunday, or that I have to clean my house and spend time with my husband. 

Here's my Sunday scoop and a preview of one of the things I have to do today.

Here is the preview to the QR code "Fairy Tales" edition for my listening station:

What is on your list for today?